The Earl's Match
Meet the Thompsons of Locust Street, an unconventional family taking Philadelphia high society by storm..
Payden Thompson’s pursuit of the man threatening his family and his clan proves to be far from a straightforward confrontation. His hunt to kill the illegitimate relative and the man’s followers is brutal and he is imprisoned and beaten after daring a rescue attempt goes awry. Overwhelmed by the violence and loss in Scotland, Payden finds himself unable to shed his fears and trauma after his heroic return to America.
Clarice Endicott finds Philadelphia society boring and chafes at her mother’s schemes to find her a husband amongst the wealthiest of the young men on the hunt for a well-connected wife. A chance meeting introduces her to a handsome and sullen Payden Thompson, who captures her interest, and who has just returned from Scotland after five long and dangerous years. Will Clarice be the woman to help Payden lift himself from the dogged effects of tragedy and violence?

Holly Bush writes historical romance set in the the late 1800’s, in Victorian England, and an occasional Women’s Fiction title. Her books are described as emotional, with heartfelt, sexy romance. She makes her home with her husband in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
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